Scheme of NEET SS Examination
4.1. NEET-SS 2021 shall be conducted as a computer based examination. The different groups shall be examined in the morning or afternoon shifts on 13th and 14th November 2021 as per details given below.
4.2. The list of Super specialty courses for which NEET-SS 2021 shall be conducted can be seen at Annexure C along with prior entry qualifications i.e. feeder broad/super specialty qualifications eligible for a particular super specialty course.
4.3. The National Medical Commission (NMC) has approved the following scheme of NEET-SS 2021:
4.3.1.Group based exam: All DM/MCh/DrNB Courses offered for admission through NEET-SS 2021 are grouped into 13 different groups as detailed under for the purpose of administering the question paper. There shall be a common question paper for
admission to all the superspecialty courses covered in a particular group. Accordingly, there shall be 13 different question papers.
4.3.2.Candidates from all eligible feeder specialty subjects shall be required to appear in the question paper of respective group, if they are willing to opt for a superspecialty seat in any of the super specailty courses covered in that group. A candidate can opt for appearing in the question papers of as many groups for
which his/her PG specialty qualification is an eligible feeder qualification.
4.3.3.Primary Feeder Specialties: Each group shall have a primary feeder broad specialty subject as listed below in Table 1. The questions in the paper for any group will cover the General/Basic component and all sub-specialty/systems/components of respective primary feeder broad subject.

4.3.4.Question Paper: Total number of questions in a question paper shall be 150 to be attempted in 2 ½ hours duration (150 minutes). The question paper will consist of questions from the General/Basic component of the primary feeder broad specialty subject and from all sub-specialty/systems/component of that primary feeder broad specialty subject. All the 150 questions would be from the Curriculum of the Post Graduate Exit level of the primary feeder broad specialty subject.
4.3.5.Multiple Eligible Broad Specialty Feeder: Wherever more than one broad specialties are eligible feeder for admission to a superspecialty subject, candidates of all such eligible feeder specialties shall be required to appear in the question paper of respective group. For eg.
a) The eligible feeder broad specialties for DM/DrNB Endocrinology are General Medicine and Pediatrics. Since
Endocrinology is covered in Medical group, therefore, Paediatrics candidates shall also have to appear in the
question paper of Medical Group along with the candidates of General Medicine.
b) Similarly, General Surgery and ENT both are feeder specialties for MCh Head & Neck Surgery which is covered in ENT group. Therefore, both General Surgery & ENT candidates will have to appear in the Question Paper for ENT Group to apply for admission to MCh Head & Neck Surgery.
c) General Medicine, Paediatrics, Respiratory Medicine, Anaesthesia and Emergency Medicine are all eligible feeder
specialties for DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine which is covered in Medical Group. Therefore, candidates of all these
subjects will have to appear in the Question Paper for Medical Group to apply for admission to Critical Care Medicine.
4.3.5.Multiple Eligible Broad Specialty Feeder: Wherever more than one broad specialties are eligible feeder for admission to a superspecialty subject, candidates of all such eligible feeder specialties shall be required to appear in the question paper of respective group. For eg.
a) The eligible feeder broad specialties for DM/DrNB Endocrinology are General Medicine and Pediatrics. Since
Endocrinology is covered in Medical group, therefore, Paediatrics candidates shall also have to appear in the
question paper of Medical Group along with the candidates of General Medicine.
b) Similarly, General Surgery and ENT both are feeder specialties for MCh Head & Neck Surgery which is covered in ENT group. Therefore, both General Surgery & ENT candidates will have to appear in the Question Paper for ENT Group to apply for admission to MCh Head & Neck Surgery.
c) General Medicine, Paediatrics, Respiratory Medicine, Anaesthesia and Emergency Medicine are all eligible feeder
specialties for DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine which is covered in Medical Group. Therefore, candidates of all these
subjects will have to appear in the Question Paper for Medical Group to apply for admission to Critical Care Medicine.

4.3.9.During the examination candidates are given an option to mark any question, whether attempted or not, for review which means that candidate has been given an option to go through these questions again before the examination time ends. Candidates may note that such questions which are marked for review shall be evaluated as per the marking scheme mentioned above

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